Coco, ecco i testi e le canzoni originali del film dei Pixar Animation Studios

Dopo le canzone e i testi originali di Frozen – Le Avventure di Olaf, sono arrivati online anche le 11 canzoni scritte da Germaine Franco, Robert Lopez e Kristen Anderson-Lopez e musicate da Michael Giacchino con altre 24 tracce.
Ve le linkiamo di seguito, in ordine, con i relativi testi.
Benjamin Bratt (Ernesto De La Cruz)

Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don’t let it make you cry
For even if I’m far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me
Though I have to travel far
Remember me
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I’m with you the only way that I can be
Until you’re in my arms again
Remember me
Remember me
(Remember me)
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
(Remember me)
Don’t let it make you cry
For even if I’m far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me
(Remember me, remember me)
Though I have to travel far
Remember me
(Remember me, remember me)
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I’m with you the only way that I can be
Until you’re in my arms again
Remember me!
Benjamin Bratt (Ernesto De La Cruz) e Antonio Sol

‘I have to sing, I have to play. The music, it’s – it’s not just in me, it is me. When life gets me down, I play my guitar. The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart. Do you know that feeling, like there’s a song in the air, and it’s playing just for you?’
A feeling so close, you could reach out and touch it
I never knew I could want something so much
But it’s true
‘You must have faith, sister.’
‘Oh, but padre, he will never listen.’
‘He will listen to music!’
Only a song, only a song
Has the power to change a heart
‘Never underestimate the power of music.’
‘But my father, he will never give his permission.’
‘I am done asking permission. When you see your moment, you mustn’t let it pass you by. You must seize it.’
‘Senor de la Cruz, what did it take for you to seize your moment?’
‘I had to have faith in my dream. No one was going to hand it to me. It was up to me to reach for that dream, grab it tight and make it come true.’
Gael Garcìa Bernal (Hector)

Well, everyone knows Juanita
Her eyes each a different color
Her teeth stick out and her chin goes in
And her…knuckles they drag on the floor
(Those aren’t the words)
(There are children present)
Her hair is like a brier
She stands in a bow-legged stance
And if I weren’t so ugly
She’d possibly give me a chance
Anthony Gonzalez (Miguel) & Gael Garcìa Bernal (Hector)

[Miguel:] What color is the sky
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
You tell me that it’s red
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
Where should I put my shoes
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
You say put them on your head
¡Ay, mi amor! ¡Ay, mi amor!
You make me
Un poco loco
Un poquititito loco
The way you keep me guessing
I’m nodding and I’m yessing
I’ll count it as a blessing
That I’m only
Un poco loco
[Hector:] The loco that you make me
It is just un poco crazy
The sense that you’re not making
[Miguel:] The liberties you’re taking
[Both:] Leaves my cabeza shaking
You are just
Un poco loco
Un poquititi-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-to loco!
Anthony Gonzalez (Miguel) & Antonio Sol

Señoras y señores, buenas tardes, buenas noches
Buenas tardes, buenas noches, señoritas y señores
To be here with you tonight
Brings me joy que allegria
For this music is my language
And the world es mi familia
For this music is my language
And the world es mi familia
For this music is my language
And the world es mi familia
Bernal, Gabriella Flores (Hector) & Libertad García Fonzi

Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don’t let it make you cry
For even if I’m far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me
Though I have to travel far
Remember me
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I’m with you the only way that I can be
Until you’re in my arms again
Remember me
Alanna Ubach & Antonio Sol

Ay, de mí Llorona
Llorona de azul celeste
Ay de mí Llorona
Llorona de azul celeste 
Que aunque la vida me cueste, Llorona
No dejaré de quererte
No dejaré de quererte
Me subí al pino más alto, Llorona
A ver si te divisaba
Me subí al pino más alto, Llorona
A ver si te divisaba
Como el pino era tierno, Llorona
Al verme llorar, lloraba
Como el pino era tierno, Llorona
Al verme llorar, lloraba
La pena y la que no es pena, Llorona
Todo es pena para mí
La pena y la que no es pena, Llorona
Todo es pena para mí
Ayer lloraba por verte, Llorona
Hoy lloro porque te vi
Ayer lloraba por verte, Llorona
Hoy lloro porque te vi 
Ay de mí, Llorona, Llorona
Llorona de azul celeste
Ay de mí, Llorona, Llorona
Llorona de azul celeste
Que aunque la vida me cueste, Llorona
No dejaré de quererte
Que aunque la vida me cueste, Llorona
No dejaré de quererte
No dejaré de quererte
No dejaré de quererte
REMEMBER ME (Reunion), 
Anthony Gonzalez e Ana Ofelia Murguía

Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don’t let it make you cry
For even if I’m far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me
Though I have to travel far
Remember me
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I’m with you the only way that I can be
Until you’re in my arms again
Remember me

Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don’t let it make you cry
For even if I’m far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart
Remember me
Though I have to travel far
Remember me
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I’m with you the only way that I can be
Until you’re in my arms again
Remember me
Que nuestra canción no deje de latir
Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Que nuestra canción no deje de latir
Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Si en tu mente vivo estoy
Mis sueños yo te doy
Te llevo en mi corazón y te acompañaré
Unidos en nuestra canción
Contigo ahí estaré
Si sola crees estar
Y mi cantar te irá a abrazaru
Aun en la distancia nunca vayas a olvidar
Que yo contigo siempre voy
If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I’ll never fade away
If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I’ll never fade away
If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I’ll never fade away
Remember me
For I will soon be gone
Remember me
And let the love we have live on
And know that I’m with you the only way that I can be
So until you’re in my arms again
Remember me!
Que nuestra canción no deje de latir
Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Remember me
Que nuestra canción no deje de latir
Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Remember me
Che cosa ne pensate? Qual è la vostra preferita?
Il film sarà diretto da Lee Unkrich (Toy Story 3) e Adrian Molina.
Coco racconta la storia del giovane Miguel che sogna di diventare un celebre musicista come il suo idolo Ernesto de la Cruz ma non capisce perché in famiglia sia severamente bandita qualsiasi forma di musica, da generazioni. Desideroso di dimostrare il proprio talento, a seguito di una misteriosa serie di eventi Miguel finisce per ritrovarsi nella sorprendente e variopinta Terra dell’Aldilà. Lungo il cammino, si imbatte nel simpatico e truffaldino Hector; insieme intraprenderanno uno straordinario viaggio alla scoperta della storia, mai raccontata, della famiglia di Miguel.
La colonna sonora sarà curata da Michael Giacchino mentre Germaine Franco, Robert Lopez e Kristen Anderson-Lopez scriveranno le 11 canzoni che troveremo tra le 35 tracce musicali del film. Il film sarà preceduto dal cortometraggio Le Avventure di Olaf, dei Walt Disney Animation Studios. 
In Italia sarà in sala dal 28 Dicembre.

Jacopo Iovannitti: Walt Disney diceva "If You Can Dream, You Can Do It". Ho fatto di questa frase il mio motto di vita tra studio, passioni e lavoro. Ma non sono mai riuscito a guarire dalla mia fissazione indescrivibile per i pinguini.

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