Ascolta e canta “Making Today a Perfect Day”, la nuova canzone di Frozen… Fever!

Da ieri nelle sale con Cenerentola, e da noi recensito in anteprima qualche giorno fa, quest’oggi vi proponiamo la versione originale integrale ed il relativo testo di “Making Today a Perfect Day“, la nuova canzone composta sempre dai coniugi Lopez per il cortometraggio Frozen Fever.

Ecco il testo integrale:

Elsa: You’ve never had a real birthday before.
Except, of course, the one just spent outside my locked door.
So I’m here way to late to help you celebrate.
And be your birthday date, if I may.

Anna: Elsa, I’m thinking, you might have a cold.

Elsa: I don’t get colds. Besides, a cold never bothered me anyway.

Just follow the string!

I’ve got big plans, I’ve got surprises for today.
Nothing, but nothing is going to get in our way.
I’ve worked for weeks, planned everything within my power.
I even got Kristoff and Sven to take a shower!

If someone wants to hold me back,
I’d like to see them try,
I’m on the birthday plan of attack.
I’m giving you the sun, the moon and the sky!

I’m making today a perfect today for you!
I’m making today a blast if it’s the last thing I do.
For everything you are to me and all you’ve been through,
I’m making today a perfect today for you!

Anna: They come in threes!

Elsa: I’m fine.

Elsa: Surprise, surprise. This one is especially…

Anna: Wow! You’ve got me reeling, but I’m still concerned for you. I think it’s time that you go home and get some rest.

Elsa: We are not stopping because the next one is the… ah… achoo!

Anna: Elsa, you gotta go lie down.

Elsa: No way, we have to go and paint the town.

Anna: But you need medical attention.

Oaken: Are you sick?
How about a cold remedy of my own invention?

Elsa: No, thanks.

Anna: We’ll take it.

Chorus: We’re making today a perfect today for you.
Elsa: We’re making today a special day!
Chorus: We’re singing a birthday song to make your wishes come true!
Elsa: Wishes come true!
Chorus: We love Princess Anna.
Elsa: And I love you too.
Chorus: So we’re making today a perfect day.
A fabulous day in every way!
We’re making today a perfect day.

Elsa: Come on! Now we climb.

Anna: Elsa, that’s too much. You need to rest.

Elsa: We need to get to our birthday chills, I mean, thrills!
Making dreams. Making plans. Go, go, go go!
Follow this string to the edge,
You’re my very best friend!

Anna: Elsa?

Elsa: I’m fine.
We’re gonna climb!
We’re gonna sing!
Follow this string, to the thing!
Happy, happy, happy, merry, merry, merry…

Anna: Elsa, look at you. You got a fever. You’re burning up.
Alright, we can’t go on like this.
Let’s put this day on hold.
Come on, admit it to yourself.

Elsa: Okay, I have a cold.
I’m sorry Anna, I just wanted to give you one perfect birthday. But I ruined it… again.

Anna: You didn’t ruin anything. Let’s just get you to bed.

Chorus: Surprise!

Anna: Wow!

Chorus: We’re making today a perfect today for you.
Chorus: We’re making today a smiley face while shining at you.

Kristoff: There’s a fine line between chaos…

Olaf: … And the hullabaloo!

Chorus: So we’re making today a perfect today,
Making today a perfect day!
Making today a perfect day for you.

Kristoff: Happy birthday.

Chorus: Making today a happy day and know you’re feeling through.

Kristoff: I love you, baby!

Chorus: So everything you wanted was and all that you do.

Kristoff: I do!

Chorus: Making today a perfect day,
Making today a perfect day,
Making today a perfect day,

Elsa: Perfect day!

Anna: Okay, to bed with you.

Elsa: Wait, all that’s left to do is for the queen to blow the birthday bugle horn.

Anna: Oh, no, no no.

Elsa: Achoo!

Anna: Best birthday present ever.

Elsa: Which one?

Anna: You letting me take care of you.

UPDATE: Di seguito, inoltre, troverete un divertente video con la canzone originale e tanto di testo per poterla cantare!

In Frozen Fever, Elsa e Kristoff sono decisi a organizzare la miglior festa di sempre per il compleanno di Anna, ma quando a Elsa viene il raffreddore, i suoi poteri metteranno a repentaglio la festa e non solo…

I tre grandi artisti che hanno prestato la propria voce e le proprie abilità canore ai protagonisti di Frozen – Il Regno di Ghiaccio nella versione italiana, tornano in questa nuova avventura: Serena Autieri, interpreta l’eleganza di Elsa, Serena Rossi è l’ottimista e coraggiosa Anna ed Enrico Brignano scalderà ancora una volta i cuori con il simpatico pupazzo di neve Olaf.

La nuova collezione esclusiva Disney Store ispirata al cortometraggio Frozen Fever è già disponibile online sul sito DisneyStore.it. A partire dal 1° Marzo questa linea di prodotti sarà disponibile anche nei Disney Store di Milano e Roma via del Corso.

Premiato con due Oscar® (Miglior Film d’Animazione e Miglior Canzone OriginaleperLet It Go) e un Golden Globe® (Miglior Film d’Animazione), Frozen – Il Regno di Ghiaccio è anche il quinto film nella classifica dei più alti incassi nella storia del cinema, con un box office globale di oltre 1.27 Miliardi di Dollari.

Jacopo Iovannitti: Walt Disney diceva "If You Can Dream, You Can Do It". Ho fatto di questa frase il mio motto di vita tra studio, passioni e lavoro. Ma non sono mai riuscito a guarire dalla mia fissazione indescrivibile per i pinguini.

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