Nella giornata di venerdì, gli azionisti della The Walt Disney Company hanno assistito a dei nuovi footage da Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Star Wars: Gli Ultimi Jedi, in italiano).
La scena inizia dove ci ha lasciati l’ultimo film: Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) chiede a Rey (Daisy Riley) chi sia, mentre lei gli porge la sua perduta spada laser.
Fra gli altri personaggi che appariranno nel nuovo capitolo della saga ci saranno Chewbacca, il Generale Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher) e Finn (John Boyega).
Il reporter americano Daniel Miller del Los Angeles Times ha twittato alcuni dettagli:
We just saw more "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" footage. In it, Luke asks Rey, "Who are you?" Then we see her deftly handle a lightsaber.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
Also making appearances in "The Last Jedi" footage: Chewbacca, General Leia Organa and Finn.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
One last thing on the "Last Jedi" footage: We saw all sorts of settings — mountains, oceans, forests, deserts. Look suitably epic, exotic.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
More on "The Last Jedi" clip: We saw a shot of an X-wing wobbling mid-air, under attack inside a giant ship. Looked like a wounded bird.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
More on "The Last Jedi" clip, since ppl are asking: General Leia Organa was onscreen for just a second in military garb and didn't speak.
— Daniel Miller (@DanielNMiller) March 8, 2017
Il regista del film sarà Rian Johnson e il film è atteso nelle sale americane il 15 dicembre 2018.
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